Foster a Pet


Fostering is incredibly important for the health, wellbeing, and safety of rescued pets. Without foster homes, we would not be able to save them!

Foster A Pet
Getting Involved

Save a Legacy

Every animal that comes into our rescue requires time to decompress, time to heal, time to learn to be a part of a family.  Our foster homes provide all this for each Legacy in their care.

Army’s Legacy foster homes are an essential and vital part of our mission.  They provide our Legacies with safety, security, guidance and lots of love and affection!

We provide our foster families with everything they need to foster a Legacy; food, supplies, veterinary care, and of course, advice and support from our whole family of volunteers.

We LOVE our foster families!

Thank you for volunteering as an Army’s Legacy Foster.

Start your journey here. There is a pet in need waiting for you!

Please fill in the following fields:

Are your pets good with other animals?

Do you have a fenced yard?

Housing Status:

Do you work outside of the home?

Do you have children in your household?


10 + 13 =

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